What is being smart? To some clever is smart to others wise is – between wise and clever one can, should it be a pressing need, combine entire human intellect, all that it has been accumulated over the history of millions of years of existence and evolution. Our minds are stronger than ever, thanks to the continuous process of evolution. It not only is the space for us to heap impressions which we term knowledgeable but also the only tool to imagine. Imagination is a wonderful gift that we’ve, creativity, solutioning, literature and all that makes our world liveable comes from the cognitive ability of our mind – it oddly enough is also the place where we manufacture fear!
Fear in its most eliminatory form is ‘worry” – about health, finances, relationships, family, love, prestige and everything else that care for. Interestingly, all of this is always about the future, a future that we aren’t really sure of even reaching. A future that will remain a mystery so long as some sharp brain defies what Einstein had to say about possibilities of time travel. We really do not know .. why do we still fear, then?
Whether we like it or not, our worlds are interdependent, nothing in today’s time, operates in isolation! Oil prices that fluctuate in the deep deserts somewhere in the middle of the world .. almost instantly affect prices of goods up on hills and down in the beaches for those who drive as well as those who get driven, at the same time.
Economy of one is economy of all – we only contribute in our individual capacities, we do not get to control it completely, much like fear! We only manufacture it in our thoughts.
In our fertile minds we in almost no time pick of piece of past .. apply all that can possibly go wrong with the construct, arrange it an order which seems believable and then start considering it to be a prototype of our very own future – in one word, we – hallucinate, about something which may actually never happen. There is another devil that fuels the fire of fear – I’ve known it by the name of “Perception”
Away from commerce .. all of us also trade in the currency of “perception”, one that we also incidentally generate in our minds, in an absolutely unregulated fashion- it has immense value. It makes many deals, breaks many a possibility and even helps to create & garden support. Yes, you heard me right.
I truly believe that you can’t have an opinion and be unbiased at the same time. If you hold a view, may well be supported by facts, you have reasons to consider true, still by supporting a side of an argument, dismissing another or all other in one way or the other – you eat on the grounds of neutrality.
“I do not know” is the only unbiased ground that exists in reality .. every other piece of existence has been taken over by some perception or the other.
Not all perceptions are bad or amount to judgments which are negative or separatists in nature, some also help people unite – in the name of religion, against common fear and enemy! A considerable chunk of our day goes in creating and defending some of these, perceptions.
It is a bloody mind game: I want to be seen in a particular way, I want to be understood, I want to be praised, the reward should be mine .. etc are the motivators and also the enablers for why we put up a fight against those facts and feelings that paint us otherwise, directly or suggestingly.
It is all in the mind, really.
From thought to it being a thing – at every stage, we impact and affect ‘people’ .. for the fact that there are 7 billion of us on this planet, breathing, dreaming, creating, fighting, reconciling every moment to achieve & accumulate – and therefore it is important we do not lose sight of that fundamental fact – whatever you do it is about people, fellow humans. The thing to remember here, fear, helps nothing.
So, even if your fear is rooted in perception going bad – it still would not do any good to how things may actually turn out to be. You can only guess and your guess would be just as good as mine.
God created us all equal, with a pair of Lungs and Kidneys (I’ve three .. coz I’m rich) – he built in us senses that respond to feelings more than facts. If we like somebody, we willingly walk the extra mile .. if we do not, moving even an inch is a task comparable to scaling the heights of Everest overnight. Our value systems may be different, we may come from diverse soci-economic worlds, may pray differently. Like beef or detest it vehemently – at the end of it all, we feel the same way. Rain, sun, dust, smoke, snow, mist, humidity affects us all in the same manner – enough reason for us to believe – we’re same.
So how about taking a long and nice walk to the beach, boarding a ferry to drift away from the shore – finding a heavy stone to tie the bag of perception covered in fear with and then drop it in the sea and watch it drown for good?
Think of it!! Haemoglobin levels in your blood determine the volume of oxygen that will be delivered to your organs, strength of your heart will determine how much of a fluctuation will your veins take –it is all within you and very much under control, so drop you fear in the sea, drown them deep and forget about it as you have forgotten about that test you did not do well when you were a kid.
It doesn’t matter – how people think about you! It doesn’t matter how you think about them – what matters is how you contribute to making your life meaningful and that of others. Best thing to do really is living in the moment that really exists, this current moment, this is all you got, the moment that preceded it is over will never come back, you do know if there is a succeeding moment, for sure. We’re all going to one day become a load of cold delaying cells .. but till that day comes – make sure you think about matters that are existential and live free of perceptions and fear!
Have a great weekend!
These hidden expressions are very well penned and articulated . Very basics and simple facts of life yet so forgotten and brushed aside. Please keep these life experiences coming in . A fine way to express life experiences. Well done Lav.
These hidden expressions are very well penned and articulated . Very basics and simple facts of life yet so forgotten and brushed aside. Please keep these life experiences coming in . A fine way to express life experiences. Well done Lav.
Thanks for your feedback!
Perception can be changed but reality remain same, it's all what we want to see or express our mind shows. Judgment can't be done on perception base.
Thanks for your feedback!
Thanks for your feedback!
Thanks for your feedback!
Very rightly sensed n well drafted Lav. We all are probably aware that fear n perception cannot change our present situation neither can make good to any of us … But still drowning the bag of perception in the midst of ocean is a challenge with conscious mind. Loved reading it .
Concur with you. Perception is reality!!!
Nice one
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Loved it..
The lines
"It doesn’t matter – how people think about you! It doesn’t matter how you think about them – what matters is how you contribute to making your life meaningful and that of others"
Sync with me today then it would have been a few months ago
You are right Sir, but can we change the reality of life or isn't a disorder to acceptance vs. reality.
However nice and lovely lines to read.
Thank you Sir for sharing the lovely one!!!!
You are right Sir, but can we change the reality of life or isn't a disorder to acceptance vs. reality.
However nice and lovely lines to read.Thank you Sir for sharing the lovely one!!!!
You are right Sir, but can we change the reality of life or isn't a disorder to acceptance vs. reality.
However nice and lovely lines to read.Thank you Sir for sharing the lovely one!!!!
Thanks, Mitra
Thanks buddy
Thanks. Coming from someone like you it means a lot.